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EasyAcc SP28W 28W Solar Panel Review



This days with many gadgets like smartphones, tablets and similar products you definitely depend on electric grid. Because with heavy use your can easily discharge a battery and without possibility of charging it you are in a difficult position.

Also if you love to travel or for example you like to camp, then you have certainly a lot of times before found yourself in a situation that you have no ability to charge your phone because there is no electric grid.

So in our opinion in this situation best way to charge your phone is with solar panel. Because it is really easy to use and you don’t need to be advanced high-tech user, likewise you can use solar panels everywhere you just need the sun. Besides that it is also green and in this way you save the nature.

EasyAcc-SP28W-Solar-Panel The EasyAcc SP28W 28W solar panel is smart gadget which is consists of only several parts. It has four solar panels and inside it has small case with four USB ports for charging.

How to use the EasyAcc solar panel

As I said earlier it’s quite easy to use it actually, the EasyAcc solar panel needs to be directed towards the sun. After you do that you will see that the red notification light is up and in other words you can start charging your devices.

EasyAcc-SP28W-28W You have available 4 USB ports for charging and if you need you can charge 4 different devices at the same time. Two USB ports are for normal charging – 1A, and other two USB ports are for fast charging – 2.4A max. Which is actually really cool because you don’t need to wait too long to get fully charged device.

EasyAcc-Solar-Panel But remember it is very important to properly position the solar panel because if you don’t do that correctly it will take hours to charge your smartphone or something else.

From what I can see if the sun is enough strong you can easily charge 4 smartphones at the same time. But if the sun is not enough strong then usually you can charge one or two devices at the same time, which is still a good result. You can normally charge any Android smartphone, but you can also charge any Apple device like iPhone.

solar-panels In my opinion EasyAcc SP28W 28W is very good product because it is very simple to use, you can really fast charge your phone if is in direct sunlight thanks to fast charging feature. It has four USB ports for charging, it supports fast charging 2.4A max, and it is really cheap around $60 on Amazon. But don’t forget that is very easy to carry because the weight is only 1.5 lbs and when you close it then it looks like a small bag.

Where To buy It:

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