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Can You Use Windows VR for Sculpting?



If you are a budding sculptor or an experienced artist, taking the plunge to try out your art form in the Windows realm of Virtual Reality can be daunting. Not to worry – we will take you through the world of Windows VR for sculpting or 3D modeling.

We also tested Windows VR sets. So, this guide will provide you with the best apps and programs to enter the creative universe of sculpting and 3D modeling on a virtual level.

Can You Do 3D Modelling In VR?

VR, or virtual reality, was stereotypically associated with groups of teenage boys stuck in a room playing multiplayer online games. However, VR has evolved to become an effective and vital tool for businesses and the entertainment industry. It also opened up a new field for artists, creating a space where they can bring their magnum opus to life in a virtual arena.

In fact, VR has opened doors for people who had no idea they were creative or artistic to model, paint, sculpt and build in the virtual arena.

What Is 3D Modelling?

3D modeling is a method where artists work with a polygon mesh to create their final masterpiece. The model can range from an abstract piece to scenery to a monster or character. Like modeling in real-life, 3D artists maneuver, play, and manipulate edges, vertices, and faces of a polygon mesh to bring to life their creation.

Objects can be changed and created from the component level. This demands a certain level of precise calculations and geometry for 3D modeling. However, this also gives the artist more leeway to build a more complex and intricate final piece. Modeling is the perfect tool to create hard-surface objects with lines, angles, and hard edges. However, the process can occur slower than sculpting because of its exact nature.

Which Is the Best 3D VR Software for You? 

Choosing the best software for 3D modeling might be overwhelming. Therefore, selecting a program best suited for your needs is crucial. Sketchbox 3D, for example, is designed to allow for collaborative sessions with your favorite artist buddy while still working on your project. It is also easy to use, making it great for the inexperienced 3D sculptor.

Similarly, Unbound Alpha allows you to put on your creative hat with others through a multi-user function where you can co-create. There is also Facebook Quill, which is the social media platform’s virtual reality illustration tool. Quill offers mediums such as oil painting, watercolor, pencil, and comic format, enabling you to use different brush strokes and create particle-effect animations.

Top Five Tips For 3D Modeling In VR

Use Visual Clues

When designing in 3D, you need to give a visual clue of the object’s function. The item will provide cues to the user about its function. So, for example, a car is for driving, a button for pushing, a flat space for running.

Proportion Makes It Real

If someone wants to open a door, make sure that the feel and size of the knob, for example, is just right. It can be easy to let the proportion of the objects and scenery slide, but this affects the feel of the VR.

Put It to the Test

The proof of the pudding is in the eating or the running in the case of VR. Show and test your artwork repeatedly and ask your friends and family to check it. The more you try it out, the more you can polish it.

Planning Is Key

Careful and detailed planning is crucial before you start mapping out your ideas in VR. This will save time and frustration as you will have a clear idea of what you will do.

Mark Out Your Space

Creating a 3D model can take up quite a bit of physical space, even though you will be modeling in VR. Make sure that you make the space in the real world to move around comfortably and safely while building in the virtual one. 

Can You Use Windows VR For Sculpting?

Young handsome man wearing virtual reality glasses manipulating vr objects. Professional shot in 4K resolution. 020. You can use it e.g. in your commercial video, medical, business, presentation, broadcast

Most VR programs, games, and apps are compatible with VR headsets, including those made by Microsoft. Microsoft VR headsets are different from others because they combine real and virtual worlds according to your desires.

Windows launched their VR headsets back in 2017 and has been one of the leading contenders in the field with a regular computer and processor. The headsets are compatible with thousands of programs, games, and apps set in the VR realm that Microsoft refers to as Windows Mixed Reality.

Windows Mixed Reality has a front-mounted camera system that allows you to see virtual objects in the real world of natural things in the virtual world. Unlike other VR headsets, Windows Mixed Reality enables you to participate in your VR experience actively.

The element of not just being a spectator is crucial when testing out the Windows for sculpting. So, if you are sculpting, for example, you can get an intimate, hands-on feel when working on your masterpiece.

Anyone can easily use the Windows Mixed Reality headsets and VR programs, apps, and games on PCs that have Windows 10. To make it accessible to everyone, Microsoft kept the specifications for the use of VR to a minimum, opening up the world of 3D sculpting to budding artists who want to give it a try and experienced designers who wish to take their creations into the virtual world.

Top Three Microsoft Headsets

Oculus Rift S PC-Powered VR Gaming Headset

The Oculus Rift S PC-Powered VR Gaming Headset is one of the contenders for the crown in the world of VR headsets. Ergonomically designed to sit comfortably on your head, the Oculus Rift S PC-Powered VR Gaming Headset has insight tracking that allows you to take a step in your virtual world or walk around your sculpture. Use the touch controllers to design and build your work of art. Unlike other models, this headset is not wireless, so that you might find your movement slightly limited by the cable. However, being connected to the computer’s processing power opens the doors to more advanced virtual words.

HTC VIVE Pro Virtual Reality Headset

Launched by HTC and sold on Microsoft’s website, the HTC VIVE Pro Virtual Reality Headset has two base station speakers and dual controllers. With its bright graphics, this VR headset gives you a polished feel with controllers that are among the top in the industry to use for sculpting and painting. The two speakers help add to the whole immersive experience while the headset sits comfortably on your head, making you forget it’s even there.

HP Reverb G2 VR headset

This high-resolution VR headset results from a collaboration between Microsoft and HP. Its crisp and sharp images make it perfect for gamers who want to immerse themselves fully in a battlefield or a dark dungeon and use it for 3D modeling and sculpting. The display and dual controls give you perfect control over your work.

Its price point is an advantage over more expensive headsets, and the resolution it offers is superb. The headset sits on your head with three Velcro straps, which might make it slightly uncomfortable after a while. Like the Oculus Rift S PC-Powered VR Gaming Headset, the HP Reverb G2 VR headset connects to the computer with a cable.

To spread the VR experience, Microsoft is also in the process of setting up Mesh for Teams, which will eventually allow users to hold meetings – real and not – on its workspace platform Teams in virtual reality.

Can You Sculpt in VR?

The difference between sculpting and modeling is that artists sculpt by gradually adding polygons, which are small blocks with three or more vertices. So, if one had to compare sculpting to the real world, one can compare it to painting on canvas or molding clay to a new form. Sculpting in VR is organic, allowing you to create characters, monsters, clothing. If something is grown and not made, sculpting is the way to bring it to life.

In fact, due to its quick and intuitive nature, sculpting is less precise and not suited for hard-surface shapes.

Modeling, as we mentioned earlier, focuses more on edges and angles. However, sculpting in VR offers beginners, amateurs, experts, and professionals the space to let their imagination loose and build anything they wish.

Top Five Tips for Sculpting In VR

Scale Is Everything

You can get perfect details when sculpting a grain of sand or a 10-foot monster by adjusting the piece’s scale as you are working. Get into the nitty-gritty specifics of your creation, irrespective of size, by changing the scale of the work.

  1. Sharing Is Caring

Many apps and programs allow you to invite others into your workspace for comments and feedback. Don’t let the fact that you are in VR stop you from peer support.

  1. Go Freehand

Using VR gives you the new ability to sculpt, build, model, airbrush, collapse, and destroy your creation using just your hands.

  1. Find the Software That Works for You

There are various VR tools such as Quill, AnimVR, and Oculus Medium that you can use Microsoft VR. Try them out and see what works best for you.

    5. Unleash the Artist in You

You might be utterly new to the field of sculpting or have years of experience working as a sculptor in the real world but never ventured into VR. Don’t let this stop you and, instead, enjoy the moment and get lost in the world of creativity. 

Which Is the Best VR Modeling Software for You? 

How does one choose from the plethora of modeling apps to get the best out of the VR experience? Gravity Sketch 1.5, for example, allows you to draw freehand in 3D and taper any stroke. It focuses on the design flow giving you the option to add or remove depth of field or automatically connect curves or surfaces. Oculus Medium, owned by Facebook, focuses on free-form creation and has an advanced range of functions that will make your final product look highly polished. Masterpiece Studio Pro is also one of the most popular 3D programs. Masterpiece Studio Pro is ideal for beginners and pros alike and has a highly user-friendly interface.

 Top Five Tips to Improve Your VR Creations

Do Your Research

Sculpting in real life or virtual reality needs a reference to work off. Study your subject and work out its dimensions, scale, and proportions before you start sculpting to give you optimum results.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Trying out 3D and sculpting tools in VR might be frustrating at first due to a lack of experience. Remember that these tools are something new, but practice will help you find your feet and hands.

Don’t Work in a Vacuum

Sometimes it is easier to create an environment before sculpting or modeling. The setting does not need to be the Chicago city skyline. Build a simple ground and sky to provide a reference point for geometry, height, and proportions.

Bring Them to Life

Movement is one of the easiest but most complex ways to make your creations more life-like. Remember, the smoother and more complex the move, the better the VR experience.

The Devil Is in the Detail

The more detailed your VR animations are, the more presence they will have. Take the time to think through the small details, and the larger ones will automatically follow.

How Do You Use a Sculpt VR?

Practically every piece of tech in the industry essentially has its manuals attached to it. Some would even go the extra mile and provide detailed guides as well as videos However, if there’s one thing to keep in mind with regards to how you can use a sculpt VR, it’s safety.

It is essential to keep a few safety tips in mind when sculpting or creating your 3D models in VR. Limit the sessions to 20 minutes and have a clean, safe space to work within the real world. Remove items such as glassware or furniture with corners, plants, or wires to avoid injury. Keep your pets out of the area and read the safety instructions of your headset very carefully.


Windows VR can offer you the perfect platform to sculpt or 3D model. It also allows you to improve your artistry or discover a talent you never knew you had. Follow the tips given in this article to perform better as a VR sculptor. Finally, enjoy bringing your creations to life.

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