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Buy Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner with coupon code for discount



Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner

No one really loves to clean, right? If you could entrust it to a robot, it would be great, and you can. If you entrust this job to the Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner, it will do it happily. This vacuum cleaner is sturdy and durable, and at the same time it comes with special charger.

We’ve found it at a promotional reduced price at the GearBest. Yes, and because of that we have a coupon code: BKFDXMC

Discount price is $249.99 after using a coupon code.

As you know, the Chinese company Xiaomi is probably the best known for smartphones, but their product range is far wider and richer, producing virtually everything. In the rich portfolio there is also this Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner, It is a very interesting robotic cleaner, one of the best ones that you can find on the market.

A new cleaner is coming from Xiaomi is in fact a highly intelligent robot with up to 12 different sensors on it. One of them is the Laser Distance Sensor (LDS) which envelops the surrounding environment in all 360 degrees. Even three built-in processors monitor real-time motion it has, while the Mapping (SLAM) algorithm calculates the most efficient cleaning path.

The Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner is very powerful, accurate and normally durable, and we have found it at the GearBest online shop at a reduced price of $249.99. But if you want to buy it at this price, then you needto use coupon code: BKFDXMC.

